Sunday, October 19, 2008

The T.I.F.F. of Books

In this weekend's Globe and Mail, James Adams previews the festival and suggests a new era is dawning at IFOA.

"Toronto's International Festival of Authors, which marks its 29th anniversary next week, used to be a pretty predictable affair – or at least its public face was.... [But this year's incarnation is] a much broader, deeper and – dare one say it? – more glamorous festival. Indeed, this year's event... is perhaps the biggest and most ambitious since IFOA's 1980 inauguration, with more than 135 writers from 15 countries – 30 per cent more than last year...."

The buzz around the festival this year is building to a fair roar. As IFOA director Geoffrey Taylor told the Globe, “Almost everyone we asked to come this year said yes. It's become an embarrassment of riches.” Looks like the headline writer got it right, calling it "Toronto's other festival."

It's official: IFOA is the TIFF of Books.

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